Those Eyes

Those eyes So big and beautiful eyes
I loved how they looked at me
So open and full of excitement
Boarding fascination and Insanity

To look at them was an adventure
Their big pupil pulled
me in But never would let me
Decipher your thoughts

I just felt your love Your fascination
Their honey color, a mirror Beauty
enclosed in those Crystals

I felt my love spring from inside
Flowing like hot water

Those eyes bewitched me without
You knowing I gave you my all,
All yours In an instate
I was taken to and from heaven
Dancing no stop smiling
Because your eyes whispered
I love you I loved you

How couldn't I If we discovered so much together
And Sometimes we were children
And you turn into an adult

I fell in love with you
But most of all with your big eyes,
so beautiful Or can it be that your eyes opened
The road to love you? However it was
I will never forget those ..
Your eyes !gorgeous eyes!

Traduccion: Rey Azucar